Tabitha E. Walker Insurance Agency Blog: liability
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Thursday, November 1, 2012 The best rule of thumb to use in choosing a contractor is to find one before an emergency repair is needed. Often, you are forced into hiring someone for a home repair when you are least prepared to make a good decision. The worst possible time to select a contractor is when you have the stress of a household crisis. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 26, 2012Some home insurance companies charge dog owners higher rates because of the breed of the family pet. Whether these dogs are more dangerous or if they suffer from a bad reputation is debatable. According to the Insurance Information Institute, insurance agents rely on public health studies and homeowner insurance claim histories to determine that some breeds are a greater risk. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 15, 2012In addition to state license requirements, any person or company actively involved in general contracting must maintain several types of insurance to protect their clients in case of accident or failure to perform a contract. Some types of insurance are required by the state, while others are required by local jurisdictions. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 12, 2012Running a successful business is dependent on many factors. The employees for the business must be dedicated and hardworking, while the owner of the business must take the time to make sure that the business is running properly. Most importantly of all, a successful business must be properly insured. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 14, 2012Large events like wedding receptions and parties can be enjoyable, but they can also lead to injury. The consumption of alcohol by members of a large group may result in falls or even fights, and damage to the venue can occur in a number of ways. Special event liability insurance gives those who stage events peace of mind. READ MORE >>
Saturday, August 25, 2012By Mary SchultzEach state across the United States has authority to regulate insurance requirements for motor vehicles and the privilege of operating vehicles. Regulations differ from state to state, but one thing is likely to remain the same--wherever a motor vehicle is operated, the owner and driver have financial responsibility for the vehicle and its operation. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 20, 2012The end of the year is approaching and I know many of you are reviewing your expenses to ensure you are paying the best price on things you have to pay for. Auto insurance is good one to start with. The tips below are solid and provide a step-by-step guide for reviewing and improving your policy. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 8, 2012Why Should You Buy Auto Insurance?If you cause an auto accident, you may be responsible for the losses of the other people involved. A claim may be made or a lawsuit filed against you for those losses. You may have to pay not only for the property damage you cause but also for the medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering of any injured person. READ MORE >>
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